Wednesday 1 September 2010

A feeling.

You know that feeling.
The feeling you get sometimes when you unlock the door to your house and you step in, into the dark, and you sense someone there.
You turn on the lights, and you look around, you see nothing but you can still feel it. You tell yourself it's probably just your imagination, but you're still on edge. The hair on your neck is standing up. And then someone comes to the door. Someone you know and love and the instant you look at that person, the whole feeling just vanishes. Like a shroud of darkness running from the sun.

What if at some point, you look back at your life and you try to sum up the past few years, what if this is what you come up with?
This feeling.
The dark, lonely feeling.
And you wait for someone to come to the door.
And you wait for someone to walk in and brighten up your day. and brighten up your life.
And when it happens, you know it has, because you look back and you know it never fit. And you look forward and you know you'll always fit. Like pieces from a jigsaw puzzle. Making sense of a nonsensical world.


tsp said...

And you wait for someone to come to the door.
And you wait for someone to walk in and brighten up your day. and brighten up your life.
And when it happens

When does it happen? And more importantly how?

Anonymous said...

do u blog somewhere else too ?

hydeous said...

It just happens.
No one knows how.

I don't anymore.

Abhirama said...

Never thought you'd write something like this.

Shambhavi Reddy said...

Beautifully written post. Simple, yet very poetic.

Rahul Sekhar said...

Totally non-pretentious trueness. I like..!