Sunday 30 May 2010

A sincere Thank You!

In 1929, a small company was set up in not-so-free India.
A company dedicated to bringing smiles to the faces of children all over the country.
A company with ideals, with morals. A company with a great dream.
Today, every Indian alive has heard of this company and has sampled some of their products(and if there is anyone who hasn't, well, you don't know what you've been missing)

This is a humble tribute, a heartfelt thank you, a show of affection and love from the bottom of my stomach heart to you, Parle. It is all I can offer (apart from the small amounts of money that I pay for the products that you put on the market with such altruism, such compassion, such love for humanity and concern for its hunger.)

This is my story.

My love affair with parle products started years ago when I was in school. The oh-so-Indian Mango Bite and the delicious Melody toffees. Ah, Melody. I can just close my eyes and remember the wonderful feeling of contentment that would course through my veins every time I popped that delicious, chocolatey little cuboid of magic into my mouth. And those amazing kismi toffee bars, with that distinct elaichi flavour.
Ah, kismi. It's been too long!

And then there was Hide and Seek.
Words cannot begin to describe the amazing hide and seek.
Yet, I shall try. Know though, that these are no ordinary words. These are words with meaning and love. And everyone knows words with love carry more weight than, um, words without.
So here is an ode to the most wonderful chocolate chip cookies in the world.

Oh Hide and Seek,
You're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind.
Hey! Hide and Seek! *clap clap* Hey! Hide and Seek!

Okay, lets try that one again, shall we...

Oh Hide and Seek, I love you so.
Your delectable chocolaty-ness enriches my life!
Without you, life would have no meaning. Without you, my world would not spin.
Thank you. Thank you for everything.

- Just a fan.


tsp said...

Who's the little girl on the cover?

hydeous said...

That's Paris Hilton!
You must not recognise her since she doesn't have anything in her mouth.