Sunday 14 February 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ah, Saint Valentine's Day.
And what a perfect day for the day of love.
The sun is a shining, the flowers are a blooming, the birds are a singing, this ice-cream is a bysmal, there's a spring in my step and I've never felt more alive.
There's a lot of people who think V-Day is just another day. Nothing special, no real reason to celebrate love. But they don't understand love. I do, because I have you.
You make my life special, you make this day special for me and hopefully I do for you.
People might look at us strangely when we walk together, hand-in-hand (like lovers are supposed to), in public parks or when we whisper silly nothings to each other. People glare at us, probably with jealousy, when we share lust filled kisses, but I don't care. I love you with all of my heart and I know you do me.
I'd give my right arm to get you back if I ever lose you.
You're my lover and my right hand man.
Without you, I'm just a one-handed man in a two-handed man's world.
I love you, Mr. Hand. You complete me.

So here's to us.
Here's to a great valentine's day and a lifetime full of warmth and happiness together.

Your one and only.
Forever and ever.
- the rest of my body.


For all those with real reason to celebrate this day, I'd pray for your rotten souls to go to hell, but I'm off God for a while. So I'll just hope you get crabs or something. Happy VD!.


tsp said...

Happy VD???

tsp said...

The world wants to celebrate love. Fine, nothing wrong with it. But I bet there's far more "yearning for love" that is happening out there than there is love in this world.

While you make it sound funny, it is quite a painful feeling to see all these "lovers" rubbing it in. We should have a day for us too. May be right after/before Valentine's. The Anti-Valentine's day!

Deepali Jamwal said...


for a moment, i thot u had a real reason!

nice post

hydeous said...

Crabs -> VD. Someone get the joke please. I was so proud of it!!!

Hey Deepali. Long time! Not mad at me anymore? :P

Deepali Jamwal said...

@keso: nah! got over it... :-)

hydeous said...

tsp, every day that isn't V-day is Anti-V-Day!!
Come, let us celebrate! We'll get a few cards and t-shirts printed and sell them to all the frustrated people all over the world and buy pizza and milkshakes with the money we make.

tsp said...

I got the v-disease reference. But couldn't connect crabs with it. Stupid Stupid Stupid!

But urban dictionary once again cometh to the rescue!

hydeous said...

Had to check out what Urban Dictionary had to say about Crabs
Lookit this one!

Crabs -
A parasite that lives in the pubic hair. The only cure is to shave off half of the pubic hair, light the other half on fire and stab the little bastards with an ice pick when they come running out.
"I got rid of those crabs but these scars will never heal"

Man, there are some hilarious people in the world!

tsp said...

And some of them are on teh interwebs: Don't Shave That Hair