Saturday 15 August 2009

The truth and nothing butt!

Okay, since one of my genius friends (You know who you are.) decided it would be a good idea to tell my parents about this blog, I figure it won't be long before they read all the crap that's on this page.

1. When I added the B and M to 'ARMADA' on the cover of my notebook back in class 8, I honestly did not know what a BarMadam was. (And frankly I'm surprised you made that connection!)
I was doodling around during Social Studies class when I added the B to 'ARMADA' to make 'BARMADA' which sounded terribly funny. Like something an underwear would say if it could talk (bermuda chaddies?). And then I thought to myself "You know what'd make this talking underwear even funnier...If it added an 'M' to the end of that word to make 'BARMADAM'. Then it would have it's own little rhythm to sing later. Barmadam barmadam barmadam." (say it 10 times nonstop).

2. That thing with the little hole burnt into my pants really was a lab experiment gone bad. Parag thought it would be really hilarious if my pants were to catch fire during one of the chemistry lab experiments. So he started flinging lit matches at me. Thankfully pant material isn't very flammable, and I survived that incident without too much psychological or physical damage.
So, No, I did NOT try to smoke a cigarette and then stub it out on my pants!

3. That long list of vases and other fragile things that I broke while running/playing inside the house...well, it's probably right.
You really should've known better though! Don't leave breakable stuff and a slightly mental 10 year old in the same house at the same time!


Shudu said...


tsp said...

What's a barmadam? Is it just a madam in a bar?

Aarti Durvasula said...

LMAO!! Lab one really funny!

hydeous said...

Yes, apparently that's what they got from 'Barmadam'. Madam in a bar.